A New View of Statistics | |
SAS program to see how much bias there is when you use CI=0.20 as the stopping rule.
Lower down: what about when use statistical significance as the rule?
Main finding: correlations are biased high by 0.01 at most
using on the fly, but by 0.10 using statistical significance.
First I checked whether the samples sizes for correlations in the middle of each step of the magnitude scale do indeed give CIs of 0.20; options linesize=80; options pagesize=30; *generate correlated y and x; %macro data; data dat1; do trial=1 to 1000; do id=1 to &startn; x=rannor(0); y=&rho*x+sqrt(1-&rho**2)*rannor(0); output; end; end; drop id; %mend; *rho=population correlation; *startn=(initial) sample size; %let rho=0.823; *others were 0.61, 0.404, 0.202, 0.0; %let startn=46; *others were 155, 270, 350, 380; %data; proc corr noprint outp=dat; var x; with y; by trial; data; set; if _type_="CORR"; proc univariate noprint; var x; output pctlpre=Q pctlpts=2.5 50 97.5; title "Median and 95% CLs for samples"; proc print; run; OK here is the main program to check for bias in the "on the fly" method; To estimate the sample size to give confidence interval of 0.20 for any correlation, I derived the sample sizes for correlations in the middle of each step of the magnitude scale, by trial and error on a hand calculator. I got these numbers and correlations: r n 0.0 380 0.202 350 0.405 270 0.61 155 0.823 46 -0.202 350 -0.405 270 -0.61 155 -0.823 46 I checked these, as shown in the simulation above. I then fit a fourth-order polynomial to the data using a graphing program: n = 3.586814E+2*r**4 -7.362850E+2*r**2 + 3.800062E+2 This is the curve shown on the page devoted to On the Fly for Correlations, except that I plateaued it for r>0.82. I have included sample-size limits on the iterations, to see if that makes any difference. %macro data; data dat1; do trial=1 to &trialn; do id=1 to &startn; x=rannor(0); y=&rho*x+sqrt(1-&rho**2)*rannor(0); output; end; end; drop id; %mend; %let rho=0.7; *population correlation; %let startn=45; *initial sample size; %let nmax1=100; *total size limit for 1st interation; %let nmax2=100; *total size limit for 2nd or more interations; %let trialn=400; *no of trials for the simulation; %data; data dat0; set; dataset="initial"; proc corr noprint outp=dat; var x; with y; by trial; *add next lot of observations; data dat2; set dat(rename=(x=r)); iter=1; nprev=lag(r); if _type_="CORR"; r=abs(r); n = 3.586814E+2*r**4 -7.362850E+2*r**2 + 3.800062E+2; if n>nprev+0.5 then do; nnew=round(n-nprev); if nnew+nprev>&nmax1 then nnew=&nmax1-nprev; do i=1 to nnew; x=rannor(0); y=&rho*x+sqrt(1-&rho**2)*rannor(0); output; end; end; drop i; *2nd iteration; data dat1; set dat1 dat2; proc sort; by trial; proc corr noprint outp=dat; var x; with y; by trial; *add next lot of observations; data dat2; set dat(rename=(x=r)); iter=2; nprev=lag(r); if _type_="CORR"; r=abs(r); n = 3.586814E+2*r**4 -7.362850E+2*r**2 + 3.800062E+2; if n>nprev+0.5 then do; nnew=round(n-nprev); if nnew+nprev>&nmax2 then nnew=&nmax2-nprev; do i=1 to nnew; x=rannor(0); y=&rho*x+sqrt(1-&rho**2)*rannor(0); output; end; end; drop i; *3rd iteration; data dat1; set dat1 dat2; proc sort; by trial; proc corr noprint outp=dat; var x; with y; by trial; *add next lot of observations; data dat2; set dat(rename=(x=r)); iter=3; nprev=lag(r); if _type_="CORR"; r=abs(r); n = 3.586814E+2*r**4 -7.362850E+2*r**2 + 3.800062E+2; if n>nprev+0.5 then do; nnew=round(n-nprev); * if nnew+nprev>&nmax2 then nnew=&nmax2-nprev; do i=1 to nnew; x=rannor(0); y=&rho*x+sqrt(1-&rho**2)*rannor(0); output; end; end; drop i; *4th iteration; data dat1; set dat1 dat2; proc sort; by trial; proc corr noprint outp=dat; var x; with y; by trial; *add next lot of observations; data dat2; set dat(rename=(x=r)); iter=4; nprev=lag(r); if _type_="CORR"; r=abs(r); n = 3.586814E+2*r**4 -7.362850E+2*r**2 + 3.800062E+2; if n>nprev+0.5 then do; nnew=round(n-nprev); * if nnew+nprev>&nmax2 then nnew=&nmax2-nprev; do i=1 to nnew; x=rannor(0); y=&rho*x+sqrt(1-&rho**2)*rannor(0); output; end; end; drop i; *output results; data dat1; set dat1 dat2; dataset="final"; data datboth; set dat0 dat1; proc sort; by dataset trial; proc corr noprint outp=dat; var x; with y; by dataset trial; data dat2; set dat(rename=(x=r)); nfinal=lag(r); if _type_="CORR"; z=0.5*log((1+r)/(1-r)); proc means noprint; var z nfinal; by dataset; output n=n_trials mean=z n_final; data; set; mean_r=(exp(2*z)-1)/(exp(2*z)+1); proc print noobs; var dataset n_trials n_final mean_r; format n_final 4. mean_r 6.3; title "Mean final sample sizes and correlations (via z transform)"; title2 "for startn=&startn rho=&rho nmax=&nmax"; data datfinal; set dat2; if dataset="final"; sampler=(exp(2*z)-1)/(exp(2*z)+1); *restores the raw r; proc univariate noprint; var sampler ; output mean=mean pctlpre=Q pctlpts=2.5 50 97.5; proc print noobs; format _numeric_ 5.2; title "Sampling distn for r rho=&rho n=&startn nmax=&nmax"; title2 "for final sample correlation"; proc means n mean std min max maxdec=0 data=datfinal; var nfinal; title "Stats for final sample size r=&rho n=&startn nmax=&nmax"; proc sort data=dat1; by trial iter; proc means noprint; var nnew; output mean=; by trial iter; proc sort; by iter; proc means noprint; var nnew; by iter; output n=n mean= std=std min=min max=max; data; set; if iter; proc print noobs; var iter n nnew std min max; format _numeric_ 5.0; title "Number of extra observations at each iteration"; title2 "for rho=&rho startn=&startn nmax1=&nmax1 nmax2=&nmax2"; run; ************; *Now try statistical significance as the stopping rule; %macro data; data dat1; do trial=1 to &trialn; do id=1 to &startn; x=rannor(0); y=&rho*x+sqrt(1-&rho**2)*rannor(0); output; end; end; drop id; %mend; %let rho=0.3; *population correlation; %let startn=45; *initial sample size; %let trialn=300; *no of trials for the simulation; %data; data dat0; set; dataset="initial"; proc corr noprint outp=dat; var x; with y; by trial; *add next lot of observations; data dat2; set dat(rename=(x=r)); nprev=lag(r); if _type_="CORR"; r=0.5*log((1+r)/(1-r)); if r<1.96/sqrt(nprev-3) then do; n=3+(1.96/r)**2; nnew=round(n-nprev); if nnew>800 then nnew=800; do i=1 to nnew; x=rannor(0); y=&rho*x+sqrt(1-&rho**2)*rannor(0); output; end; end; drop i; *2nd iteration; data dat1; set dat1 dat2; proc sort; by trial; proc corr noprint outp=dat; var x; with y; by trial; *add next lot of observations; data dat2; set dat(rename=(x=r)); nprev=lag(r); if _type_="CORR"; r=0.5*log((1+r)/(1-r)); if r<1.96/sqrt(nprev-3) then do; n=3+(1.96/r)**2; nnew=round(n-nprev); if nnew>800 then nnew=800; do i=1 to nnew; x=rannor(0); y=&rho*x+sqrt(1-&rho**2)*rannor(0); output; end; end; drop i; *3rd iteration; data dat1; set dat1 dat2; proc sort; by trial; proc corr noprint outp=dat; var x; with y; by trial; *add next lot of observations; data dat2; set dat(rename=(x=r)); nprev=lag(r); if _type_="CORR"; r=0.5*log((1+r)/(1-r)); if r<1.96/sqrt(nprev-3) then do; n=3+(1.96/r)**2; nnew=round(n-nprev); if nnew>800 then nnew=800; do i=1 to nnew; x=rannor(0); y=&rho*x+sqrt(1-&rho**2)*rannor(0); output; end; end; drop i; *output results; data dat1; set dat1 dat2; dataset="final"; data; set dat0 dat1; proc sort; by dataset trial; proc corr noprint outp=dat; var x; with y; by dataset trial; data; set dat(rename=(x=r)); nfinal=lag(r); if _type_="CORR"; z=0.5*log((1+r)/(1-r)); proc means noprint; var z nfinal; by dataset; output n=n_trials mean=z n_final; data; set; mean_r=(exp(2*z)-1)/(exp(2*z)+1); proc print noobs; var dataset n_trials n_final mean_r; title "Mean final sample sizes and correlations (via z transform)"; title2 "For stat sig method. r=&rho startn=&startn"; run;
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Last updated 1 June 97